Georgia Baptist Women encourages, equips, and engages women and girls to discover and live out their purpose in God’s Kingdom.

Serving Churches

Georgia Baptist Women Staff

Staff members invest in missions discipleship and women’s ministry leaders in the local church, while coordinating training events and missions opportunities. Language Coordinators promote missions discipleship and involvement to ethnic churches.

Executive Board

Members manage the affairs of Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union of Georgia.

Regional missions Mobilizers

Regional Missions Mobilizers are members of the BWMU Executive Board and serve as a resource for associations in their region.

Equippers & Representatives

Equippers serve as a training resource for church and associational WMU age-level leaders.
Representatives promote discipleship and involvement to ethnic and African-American churches.


Volunteers give their time, energy and talents to lead Georgia Baptist Women in praying for missions, giving to missions, and generating awareness of ministry opportunities in Georgia and beyond.

Liaison Groups

Ministry Support

Contact us to start missions discipleship in your church or to receive personalized consultation for yourself or your ministry team.