Join other women’s ministry leaders from Georgia Baptist churches for this 2-day training retreat designed just for you! This life-giving experience will enhance your leadership, connect you to other leaders for fresh ideas, and leave you inspired to continue in your calling to lead women.
At Selah 2024 we will explore our calling to not only walk in the light of Christ but to be a light for others as we live and lead.
“The light shines in darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”
(John 1:5)
Friday Training Workshop 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Navigating Trauma in Your Women’s Ministry: Light in a World of Brokenness
Ministering to women means meeting them where they are in the midst of their pain. Some wounds are raw, while others are a distant memory, yet still there. Recent studies indicate that over 70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some form of trauma. As women’s ministry leaders how can we effectively minister to women who have experienced trauma? How do we lead them toward healing and hope that comes from Jesus Christ?
Tera Melber, Trauma Care Specialist, will lead us through a comprehensive overview of the impact of trauma on the brain and behavior, focusing on the challenges faced by women and leaders. You will learn practical strategies to support those affected by trauma. And we will discuss how you, as a leader, can manage the burdens of serving women while remaining emotionally and spiritually healthy.
Tera Melber serves as the Trauma Care Specialist for Mission Georgia and is Founder/President of Resound Trauma Informed Education. Tera has been a foster care and adoption advocate and educator for nearly two decades. She holds a Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling: Parenting and Child/Adolescent Development. Tera is a Trust Based Relational Intervention Practitioner, a Trauma Competent Caregiver Affiliate Trainer, and a Cultivate Connection Facilitator. She speaks at various conferences and churches on many topics including trauma informed care and foster care advocacy.
Kimberly Campbell is a wife and a mom living in Augusta, Georgia. She loves to teach the word, study the word, and share with women the lavish hospitality that God has offered us. And she thinks one of the best places to do that is at the dining room table with good food.
At Selah, you’ll enjoy a hands-on experience with Kimberly as she teaches us creative food ideas for women’s ministry events that create an environment for connecting.
Limit 4 leaders per church
Deadline: February 5, 2024
Includes program, lodging, meals and t-shirtSingle Occupancy (limited availability)
Includes program, lodging, meals and t-shirt- Lodging will be provided in the main lodge at Pinnacle.
- Lodge rooms are hotel style with linens provided.
- Each room has three twin beds and a private bath with shower/tub.
- Rooms will be assigned by Double Occupancy with others from your church. If there are three from the same church attending you will be assigned Triple Occupancy (unless you request a double occupancy room and a single occupancy room).
- Single Occupancy rooms are available, but limited, for an additional $50.
- Please contact us directly with any questions about lodging: 770-936-5320 or