Virtual & Other Unique Recognitions
Church & Personal Social Media
Utilize church media or personal media (with parental permission) to recognize children through Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, online church services, and other avenues available.
Vests & Badges
For any service option, boys and girls may wear their vests with badges as a part of the recognition. Take time to identify key badges and their meanings toward missions discipleship.
Notes of Encouragement
Involve others in the celebration by having them send a note of encouragement or congratulations to kids in your group.
Community Involvement
Ask recipients of your kids’ involvement in the community to participate in the celebrations, i.e. video from nursing homes visited, thank you message from hospital where kids sent cards, etc.
Church Groups Involvement
Encourage small groups in the church (men’s groups, women’s groups, Sunday school classes, etc.) to make and/or deliver small gifts or cards to kids’ homes as part of the celebration.
Shop WMU
Depending on budget, you can also look at specialty items as an option to recognize your kids.
Recognition Service Ideas
Interview Questions
Questions are designed to help children communicate their personal experiences through GA, CA, or RA. Send parents select question(s) for children to answer in a 20-30 second video or to submit written responses via email. Post on social media or include in a PowerPoint presentation.
- What was your favorite part about GA/RA/CA and why?
- Tell me what you remember studying this year.
- Which Bible story or verse do you remember studying?
- How did you share God’s love last month? Year?
- What do you sense God wanting you to do as a result of being in GA/RA/CA?
- What did you learn about God that you didn’t know before?
- How can God use you this year?
- What’s exciting that’s happening in another part of the world?
- What did you learn about people who are different from you who live far away?
- What did you learn about people here in America?
- What did you enjoy about GA/RA/CA meetings? (can give one example)
- What does it mean to you to be a GA/RA/CA?
- When I go to GA/RA/CA, I feel…learn…grow…etc.
- What’s one thing in GA/RA/CA you had never done before?
- What did you learn about giving to missions?
- How did you feel when you gave to missions?
- How did your gift to missions make a difference? (international, state, North America)
- How does GA/RA/CA help you grow in your relationship with Jesus, be a better Christian, or show that you love God?
- As a result of GA/RA/CA, did you do anything different in your home, school, or elsewhere? What have you learned about being on mission for God?
- Prayer is important because…
- In GA/RA/CA we pray for…
- I think my prayers are important because…
- Because of GA/RA/CA, I now understand that prayer is…
- I saw God at work this year in…
- Which mission project was special to you, and why?
- When we did mission projects, what did you learn about people in need and our response to them?
- When we did mission projects, how did people we help see God?
Shop WMU Resources
Purchase identity items and gifts for Girls in Action and Royal Ambassador participants.
Support & Recruitment
Use this opportunity to involve others to lead or assist with Girls in Action, Royal Ambassadors or Children in Action groups. In whatever recognition you do, type the question below (or ask in video). Include answers in PowerPoint, video, email, or any avenue used for recognizing your kids.
Question: How can you support Girls in Action, Royal Ambassadors, or Children in Action?
Answers: (Craft your answers based on your church’s individual needs.)
Suggestions include: Sunday school classes, women’s groups, men’s groups, or individuals can give to sponsor badges/patches for girls and boys in our church. Pray for specific kids by name, help prepare activities each week, send birthday cards to active participants, lead or teach missions discipleship, plan missions projects, etc.
Call [insert number] or e-mail [insert address] to be involved in the spiritual development of our children!